Rehab Success Stories
No matter what level of care is needed, our caregivers are committed to providing exceptional, quality care for our residents and patients throughout their stay. Discover inspiring rehab success stories from previous patients.

Following the successful L-THR, Curtis C. was admitted to Arbrook Plaza for an extensive therapy session. The treatment plan was thoughtfully designed to cater to their individual needs, ensuring a smooth and efficient recovery process.

Mrs. Tull
Femoral Neck Fracture
Mrs. Tull is a 96-year-old female who was admitted due to GLF. Pt sustained a Lt femoral neck fracture and is s/p ORIF. Mrs. Tull presents with a past medical history of hypertension, CHF, a history of DVTs, and a recent fall due to generalized weakness.

Muscle Jerking + GLFs
Mildred H. was admitted to Arbrook Plaza from the hospital due to sudden involuntary muscle jerking, and recent GLFs. Prior to her hospitalization, Mildred also presents with a past medical history of Hypertension, Diabetes, Atrial fibrillation, Asthma, and Spinal stenosis.